Sunday, October 20, 2019



On Saturday 19th October Adam, Amy, Angela, Ben, Candice, Dom, Elizabeth, Emma M, Karina, Lucy, Natham, Tim and Warren travelled over the Great Dividing Range to compete in The Orange City Disabilities Championships. 

Natham "The Statsman" pulled some numbers together and here are their statistics from the day of bowling:

Tim                        19 Pins over average for the series 
Emma M              17 Pins over average for the series, including a turkey in a game of 162
Ben                        A Four Bagger in a game of 200

Adam                    32 Pins over average for the series, including a Four Bagger in a game of 224
Lucy                       23 Pins over average for the series
Tim                        16 Pins over average for the series
Ben                        A Turkey in a game of 170

Watch this space in the coming weeks for our results

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Australian Adult Nationals

I've been a bit remiss in posting these results. Natham "The Statsman" pulled them together last week, but time is a weird thing. I need to post this before the 19th because...well, you'll see.

On Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th October, 7 bowlers (Adam, Angela, Ben, Dom, Karina, Natham and Warren plus Amy who came along on Saturday to support the team) attended the 58th Australian Adult National Championships held at Rooty Hill.
Below are the statistics:
Saturday Singles
Warren                 30 pins over average for the Series
Adam                    23 pins over average for the Series, including a turkey in a game of 189
Ben                        Turkey in a game of 183

Saturday Doubles
Adam                    Turkey in a game of 157

Sunday Singles
Karina                   4 bagger in a game of 183

Next stop for the Rockets Bowlers is the Orange Championships on 19th October.