Tuesday, February 4, 2020

NSW State Champs


Every competition the Rockets compete in, without fail, is followed mere days later with a bunch of good stats. The next time you see Natham, thank him. His tireless compilation is almost as fast as FoxSports. 

On Sunday 2nd February Amy, Ben, Dom, Emma C, Emma M, Karina, Natham and Warren travelled to Bowlarama Wetherill Park to compete in the 2020 NSW State Championships. Here are the Stats (for 15 pins over average per series):


Ben                  27 pins over average for the series


Ben                  18 pins over average for the series, including a 4 bagger in a game of 201


Emma C            Turkey in a game of 166
Ben                   Turkey in a game of 165
Natham            Turkey in a game of 153

(Ben had a pretty good day.)

But this wasn’t the first comp a member of The Rockets attended this year.

On the 18th and 19th January Karina travelled to Canberra to compete in the 2020 Australia Day Disability Club Championship held at Zone Bowling Tuggeranong.

After two days of bowling here are her results:
Female All Events A Grade         1st Place
A Grade Singles                           1st Place
Doubles A Grade                         3rd Place
Teams B Grade                            2nd Place

Trophy for Female Highest game over average
Trophy for Female Highest Scratch Game

And that's a fantastic set of results.

Well Done Rockets